During elections the contestants reveal their personal assets and health related information. Sometimes this data is very crucial because it tells us how much are they eligible to effectively run the government. This is mostly followed in United States of America. The contestants publish a special bulletin regarding their health related issue to the public. The voters also take this thing very seriously as these factors are kept in mind while voting for the right candidate. In the coming elections, the presidential candidates have revealed their assets. Lets have a brief comparison of the two most significant and popular presidential candidates.
Donald Trump:
- He's 70 years of age.
- He likes to eat non-vegetarian food
- He has undergone dieting in the last 1 year and reduced by 15 pounds
- He's very health conscious and pays a good attention on his eating habits.
- As far as his personal doctor is concerned, Trump had undergone Appendicitis surgery when he was 10 years old.
- He has not revealed much about his health related factors. He just gave 4 paragraph brief about his medical condition
Hillary Clinton:
- She's 69 years old.
- She does yoga as well as jogging.
- She prefers a vegan diet which includes a lot of vegetables and fruits.
- She doesn't have any blood pressure related issues.
- She gave a 2-paged detail about her medical condition
- She suffers from hypothyroidism and takes medication for thyroid hormones.
- She takes Vitamin B12 tablets
- Her cholesterol levels are also under control
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