Movies, IT, Books, Games, and almost everything is exploited and downloaded from piracy websites. Everything from movies to software are being pirated within moments of their release. Because of this their respective manufacturing and production industries are incurring heavy losses. Owing to this issue, Artim Walen, the owner of Kickass Torrent was arrested in Poland on Wednesday. He location was available when Apple officials helped the police by providing his ICloud details. The loss estimates are upto $1 Billion . His revenue through advertisements is $12.4-22.3 million yearly. the website itself is now valuated to $54 million. Majority of virus attacks occur due to downloading content from torrent websites. It is estimated that 70% of attacks are through piracy websites.
The websites main features include:
- Ranked fifth(5th) among piracy websites and 69th among all websites.
- Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Italy, Belgium, and Malaysia have already blocked KAT but it is yet accessible through a different domain name.
- Latest hollywood blockbuster movies that are available on Kat include Captain America-Civil War, Now You See Me 2.
- People use software like BitTorrent and uTorrent to download from KAT.
How Piracy is actually done?
Just as everybody posts content on WikiPedia, users upload copyright content like movies, software, and books etc on piracy websites like KAT and PirateBay.
How can authorities stop this?
Google and other major search engines tried hard to block torrent websites based on their domain names but new websites with different domain are created on a daily basis. This is impossible to track.
Most of the downloaded content is pirated. Nearly 15 Crores people daily visit the piracy websites. The total loss is estimated around billions of dollars.
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