Ping app makes e-mail more like chat

                Ping app makes e-mail more like chat

With color themes, doodles, voice messaging, and even video chat, the iPhone app feels more like WhatsApp than your traditional e-mail account.

Ping, launching later this month, is meant to be e-mail's hipper younger sister. With color themes, photo-sharing, funky audio alerts, doodles, real-time and voice messaging, and even video chat, the app acts more like WhatsApp than your traditional e-mail account. Ping is still e-mail, of course, but with a fresh twist on organization and the modern feel of mobile messaging.

A serial entrepreneur, Pilosof's contempt for the dated communication form has been channeled into Ping, which proffers a fluid interface where people, not messages, take center stage. E-mails from people you know appear in a "Chat" feed with messages organized into rich-media conversations, meaning, that like in messaging apps, each new e-mail is added to a conversation chain with a person or group. Generic e-mails like newsletters, meanwhile, are filtered into a separate feed that you can ignore altogether should you choose.

After awhile with Ping, you might forget that this is e-mail. The fast flow, variety of communication options available -- voice, text, video, even Facebook messages  and look of threads are elements so akin to mobile messaging apps that sending e-mail in a traditional sense becomes a foreign concept.

The application will be a little too modern for some especially those who love labels or folders but would be a great application for the lovers of morden messaging.

                                    ping app for windows 8


